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The RCCO does not endorse advertisements or guarantee their accuracy. Although we try to keep the listings current, some of the positions listed here may already be filled. Please note that the RCCO reserves the right to refuse to publish advertising that it deems not in the best interests of its membership.

Members who are seeking employment are urged to refer to The Employment of a Church Musician , available from the RCCO Store, and the salary table and model contracts. Members may also wish to contact the Chair of the Professional Support Committee or their Centre professional support liaison for further information.

Le CRCO n'est pas garant du contenu ni de l'exactitude des annonces. Bien que nous nous efforcions de tenir ces listes à jour, certains postes peuvent avoir déjà été pourvus. Veuillez noter que le CRCO se réserve le droit de refuser la publication d'une annonce s'il lui paraît qu'elle n'est pas dans le meilleur intérêt de ses membres.

Il est fortement recommandé aux membres cherchant un emploi de se référer à Engager un musicien d'église, disponible sur la Boutique du CRCCO, et aux tables des salaires et contrats-types. Il pourra également être bénéfiques à ces membres de prendre contact avec la présidence du comité au soutien professionnel ou la liaison au soutien professionnel de leur centre pour plus d'informations.

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  • 27 May 2024 2:39 PM | Anonymous

    Music Director & Organist

    St. Peter’s, Erindale is an inclusive, Anglican church community with a vibrant and growing worship and community ministry underscored by a strong musical program, including 2 choirs.

    We are looking for a Music Director and Organist who has a love of music and experience in directing a well-established choir and congregational music program. They will be accomplished in a broad range of musical genres from traditional Anglican music to contemporary Christian music. Training in classical music with an appreciation and understanding of the Anglican liturgy is required.  The ability to communicate about the context of the music, the composer and writers would be an asset.

    Primary responsibilities include leadership, recruitment, retention of members and working with a team including the Incumbent, staff, choristers, and the Handbell Director. The Music Director and Organist will be a dynamic and committed leader, interested in growing our choirs and broadening the music ministry at St. Peter’s, Erindale. The hiring team is open to either hiring one person for the Music Director and Organist position, or two people: one person as the Music Director and one person as the Organist. Joint applications will be considered. The position is a 18-20 hour per week position. Hours may be flexible and negotiated.

    Interested candidates need to submit a resume including credentials and contact details for three references. A cover letter outlining their interests and experiences to support their application is required.

    Information and the full job description is found at the following link:

    The deadline for applications is June 7th, 2024. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged.  Interviews and auditions will take place in June.

    Email Rev. Roshni Jayawardena a for further information or to apply. 

  • 14 May 2024 12:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Title: Music Director
    Reports to: Rector
    Hours: 20 hours per week to include Sunday and evenings as required.
    Salary: Expected to be commensurate with experience and degree based upon the
    Royal Canadian College of Organists recommended salaries.
    Benefits: Vacation and other benefits provided in accordance with the Anglican
    Church of Canada policies.
    Teaching is encouraged and privileges for teaching will be granted.

    Our goal at the Church of the Holy Trinity is to develop and grow a music program that
    enhances our worship life, integrates the Church of the Holy Trinity with the local
    community, and raises awareness of the arts while emphasizing our Anglican heritage.
    The Music Director will develop, maintain, and promote the music and choir program at
    the Church of the Holy Trinity. The Music Director is an integrated member of the
    ministry team and should consider the position primarily as a ministry and vocation.

    1. The Music Director will receive direction from and be responsible to the Rector who,
    by virtue of his office, is responsible for the liturgy and music of the parish.

    2. In collaboration with the Rector, Worship Committee, and Organist, the Music
    Director will be expected to plan and implement music for all worship including:
    a. Sunday morning worship services
    b. One Sunday evensong service each month.
    c. Ash Wednesday services
    d. Holy Week services (including all components of the Triduum and Easter)
    e. Advent and Christmas services
    f. Other feast days as celebrated throughout the year (e.g., Epiphany, Candlemas,
    Annunciation, Ascension, Transfiguration, Michaelmas, All Souls)

    3. The Music Director will be expected to select liturgically appropriate music following
    good liturgical practices in accordance with the worldwide Anglican Church and the
    Anglican Church of Canada. This includes the selection of anthems, motets, or other
    choral music. Hymn selection shall be done in collaboration with the Rector.

    4. The Music Director will be expected to provide a music list (at least quarterly)
    identifying the musical components of worship. Sunday worship music selections will
    be finalized at least one week ahead of the Sunday service.

    5. The Music Director will lead weekly rehearsals of the parish choir on a weekday
    evening and Sunday before worship. (The choir convenes September through June.)

    6. The Music Director will be expected to develop, grow, and nurture the church choir,
    emphasizing the ministerial role of the choir. He/she will be expected to encourage
    and foster the spiritual growth of the choir, to develop vocal ability and articulation in
    choir members, and to foster fun and fellowship within the choir.

    7. The Music Director will be expected to attend regularly scheduled staff meetings and
    to attend meetings with rector to discuss the planning of the music for upcoming
    worship services.

    8. The Music Director will be expected to submit, manage, and adhere to a music
    budget. The budget shall include: maintenance of instruments, publicity and
    marketing, music, licensing, substitute organists, and sundry musicians.

    9. The Music Director, with the organist, will be expected to oversee the maintenance
    and care of the organ, music library, choir room, and choir vestments and report to the
    Rector concerning their condition and needs.

    10. The Music Director will be expected to explore the possibility of developing a
    children and youth choir. Royal School of Church Music chorister program with the
    end goal to incorporate the youth choir into regular Sunday worship.

    11. The Music Director will be encouraged to promote church music and its education in
    the parish.

    12. The music director will be encouraged to maintain ties with the Royal School of
    Church Music.

    13. The Music Director may be asked to participate in weddings and funerals in the
    church. He/she will be paid a specified fee for these services.

    1. Experience and competency in vocal training and in rehearsing and directing a choir.
    2. Experience in motivating and encouraging singers of various proficiencies.
    3. Excellent interpersonal skills with people of all ages.
    4. A keen and practical understanding and knowledge of the Anglican tradition of
    liturgy, worship, and music.
    5. An active faith and passion for music as a form of worship.
    6. An undergraduate degree in music or certification in church music is required.
    7. Broad knowledge of traditional and contemporary Anglican church music and other
    music appropriate for use in worship.
    8. Familiarity with alternative worship styles and new developments in worship music
    appropriate for the Anglican tradition.

    9. Demonstrated excellence in playing and proficiency on the organ and piano as soloist
    and accompanist.
    10. Experience and competency rehearsing and directing a choir from the organ bench.
    11. Experience in vocal pedagogy.
    12. Experience in developing and implementing musical programs and offerings outside
    of regular church activities.

  • 07 May 2024 10:41 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Advertisement – Director of Music

    Appleby United Church located in Burlington, Ontario is seeking a creative and technically competent person to assume a permanent part-time position as Director of Music. This position will ideally commence July 1, 2024.

    The successful candidate will provide choral and keyboard leadership for our faith family, and can (or is willing to learn to) provide similar leadership for handbells and Djembe drums. The congregation is established and seeking to grow. The sanctuary has a Rodgers Orfan Organ (2-manuals) with a full pedal board which has numerous possibilities (i.e. Baroque, Werckmeister and Romantic registrations), and a Pramberger grand piano. The parlour also has a Kawai upright piano.

    The successful candidate is required to conduct rehearsals for the Adult Choir, the 3-octave Handbell Choir and the Djembe Drumming Group that rehearse every week, with the Adult Choir singing at every Sunday service. The Handbells and Drums would play on the occasional Sunday. In addition to rehearsals and Sunday services, the successful candidate will closely collaborate with our minister and meet monthly with the Worship Committee. It is estimated that this permanent part-time position calls for 20 hours a week. Some funding may be available for continuing education upon approval. We will consider either a contract position or an employee status with approved benefits. Remuneration will be in range of the RCCO guide. Applications (which will be treated in strictest confidence) will be received until May 31, 2024 or until the post is filled.

    Please direct inquiries or applications to

    Our congregation’s website, including a link to our YouTube channel, is available at

  • 25 April 2024 1:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bachelor's degree in a music-related field; DMA/FAGO-level organ playing, with commensurate choral training skills and experience.
    Reports to the Director of Music; ultimately reports to the Pastor.
    SALARY: $60,000-80,000, commensurate with experience; generous benefit package including health insurance, dental insurance, group life insurance, and retirement fund contribution.


    Located in the heart of bustling Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA, Saint Paul’s church has been a beacon of traditional Catholic liturgy and worship for over a century. Renowned for its superb acoustics, the church frequently  hosts concerts by such famed groups as the Tallis Scholars, Stile Antico, and the Vienna Boys Choir. The parish is home to Saint  Paul’s Choir School, a day school educating boys in grades 3 to 8 and the only all-boys Catholic choir  school in the USA. SPCS provides world-class academic and musical education to the 20 boy Choristers  who sing in the Saint Paul’s Choir, the premier Catholic choir of men and boys in the country, as well as Pre-Choristers (Choristers in training), and Music Scholars (boys with changing voices). The choirs sing daily Masses and undertake regular concert performances, recordings, broadcasts, and tours.  

    Repertoire is drawn from the finest Catholic liturgical traditions including Gregorian chant, hymnody,  Renaissance Masses and motets, and from the Anglican choral tradition. The Choir has recently produced  three highly successful commercial recordings, distributed via Universal, Sony Classical, and Sophia, with the goal of further projects. St. Paul’s Catholic Community (which includes the parish, the Choir School, and the Harvard Catholic Center) recently launched a multi million dollar capital campaign, a portion of which will be devoted to the significant needs of the main organ in the church and to our choral foundation. The community is home to other fine instruments, including an 1855 George Stevens chamber organ in the  church and several practice organs and a Steinway grand piano in the Choir School. The Boston area also possesses some of the finest instruments in the country, and Saint Paul’s enjoys a close  working relationship with Harvard University.

    The position of Associate Director of Music, with responsibilities divided between the Parish and the  Choir School, requires an exceptional organist and choral director who can provide outstanding liturgical  organ playing (including choral and congregational accompaniment, organ works, and improvisations);  train the Pre-Choristers and Music Scholars; recruit, train, and direct the Parish Choir (formed of excellent adult volunteers with four paid section leaders), teach music theory, share in the  administrative workload of the department, and teach private organ lessons to certain pupils. The Associate Director of Music will also collaborate with the Director of Music and private piano and voice instructors to develop and implement a world-class music curriculum. Ample time is set aside for organ practice. Some flexibility can be granted to accommodate a recital career and other complementary performance activities.


    ●    Accompany the Choristers in choral Mass at Noon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and  Fridays, at Choral Vespers on Thursdays.
    ●    Accompany the full Choir on Sundays at 11:00 AM, and for all concerts, broadcasts, tours, special  services, and recordings.
    ●    Rehearse and/or direct the Choir in the absence of the Director of Music.
    ●    Recruit, train, and direct the Parish Choir at Mass on Sunday at 9:30 AM (accompanied by the  Organ Scholar(s)) and at occasional special services like Advent Lessons & Carols.
    ●    Train the Pre-Choristers daily; attend and assist with Chorister and Schola rehearsals as needed.
    ●    Teach select music history, composition, and theory classes (using the Associated Board of the  Royal Schools of Music syllabus).
    ●    Manage the production of worship materials, the choir library, and other administrative tasks, in  collaboration with the Music Administrator and under the direction of the Director of Music.
    ●    Play for weddings and funerals; contract substitute organists as necessary.
    ●    Serve as manager and mentor to the Organ Scholar(s).


    ●    DMA/FAGO-level organ playing, with commensurate choral training skills and experience.
    ●    Knowledge and understanding of Catholic liturgical traditions and customs.
    ●    Well organized, able to multitask and work effectively in a busy, dynamic environment.
    ●    Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communications skills.
    ●    Ability to handle confidential, sensitive, timely and critical matters requiring good judgment,  tact, respect, and discretion.
    ●    Ability to anticipate needs and establish priorities.
    ●    Willingness to support the mission of the Catholic Church.


    ●    Annual salary of $60,000-80,000, commensurate with experience; generous benefit package  including health insurance, dental insurance, group life insurance, and retirement contribution.
    ●    Four weeks of vacation are provided during the summer, two weeks after Christmas, and a week  after Easter.
    ●    Weddings, funerals, organ lessons, and certain concert activities are remunerated separately.
    ●    Mondays are usually completely free from Parish and School duties; candidates will appreciate that their work life will be considerably more busy during term time than during school holidays.

    Please apply by email to with an application letter addressed to Brandon Straub, Director of Music, that explains your rationale in applying for this position, a CV/resumé,  three references, and links to recordings (video preferable) that demonstrate your organ skills as a soloist, accompanist, and liturgical player (if possible). All appointments are subject to CORI clearance, and Virtus training in Child Protection. Any questions may also be sent to this email address. International candidates will be actively considered. 

    Closing date: May 6, 2024,
    with in-person interviews to follow in May.
    Starting date:
    summer 2024 (negotiable).

  • 25 April 2024 1:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Thornhill Presbyterian Church (TPC), in Thornhill, Ontario, is seeking a part-time (15-20 hours per week) Organist and Choir Director.. The successful candidate will take leadership of the music ministry, playing a 33 stop, 2 manual Allen digital organ (installed in 2011) and a Yamaha upright piano and directing the choral program. Currently there is an adult mixed voice (SATB) choir with 12-15 members, including 4 remunerated leads. Prior to the Covid pandemic TPC also had a single –voice children’s choir that sang weekly during the school term. The successful candidate will be expected to grow the adult choir and re-start the junior youth choir. A passion for sacred music, solid leadership, excellent communication, and interpersonal skills are essential. The candidate will work collaboratively with the Minister and all other individuals and groups involved in worship, including a contemporary Praise Band led by volunteers from within the congregation. Stipend/salary shall be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applications will be treated with confidentiality. Applications are to be submitted to, and further details are available from, the convener of the search committee, Garth Low, at Application deadline is May 24, 2024.

  • 18 April 2024 12:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Director of Music Ministry Position Description


    · Position: Director of Music Ministry

    · Reports to: Incumbent
    · Accountable to: Incumbent and Church Wardens (The Corporation) and in adherence to the Music Ministry Guiding Principles (listed below)

    · Target Start Date: June 1, 2024 (a later start date could be negotiated)

    · Term of Employment: part-time (~10-12 hours per week, including selection of music, choir practice, Sunday service), 2-year renewable contract

    · Compensation: Commensurate with experience and qualifications


    · A strong commitment to Christ, and to the vision and mission of the Anglican Parish of St. Peter.

    · Strong leadership skills:

    · Ability to work in a cordial and cooperative manner.

    · Ability to perceive the needs, desires, strengths, limitations, and potential of church musicians.

    · Ability to constructively receive suggestions and ideas, and to evaluate their merits, and communicate plans/decisions with gentleness and clarity.

    · Effective communication skills:

    · Ability to articulate musical plans and directions clearly, including in rehearsals or when conveying plans for upcoming services.

    · Active listening skills, with ability to receive input, feedback, and ideas.

    · Ability to work with groups and individual musicians in achieving a blended music experience incorporating a variety of musical styles and expressions.

    · Demonstrated ability to direct vocal leaders and congregation in singing, including choir and cantors.

    · Commitment to high standards of musical offering and musicianship. Piano competency is required. Organ competency is considered an asset. (Piano and organ are main instruments in use, average choir size: 10 parishioners).

    · Strong organizational skills with ability to effectively manage time and resources, and to plan ahead.

    · Willingness to join in congregational worship.


    1. Plan worship music including hymns and psalms, according to the Revised Common Lectionary ( ), in consultation with the Incumbent (or designate).

    2. Ensure that music resources are managed in full accordance with Canadian and international copyright law by administering required copyright licensing programs, including using the OneLicense online portal to report any music used that is not in the hymnal.

    3. Coordinate the scheduling of cantors for the psalms.

    4. Ensure that musical accompaniment is provided for worship including weddings, funerals, and other special worship occasions; arrange alternate musicians as required.

    5. Lead regular weekly choir rehearsals from September through May.

    6. Collaborate closely and in a timely manner with the Parish Administrative Assistant, including communicating necessary music information for the preparation of service bulletins.

    7. Actively participate as a member of the Worship Planning Team.

    8. Identify and implement opportunities for music ministry as they arise from within the congregation and wider community.

    9. Recruit, coach, and direct vocal and instrumental leadership, including choir, cantors, and other instrumentalists (i.e. guitarists, percussion players, etc.).

    10. Oversee the care and maintenance of music instruments and materials.

    11. Submit a budget request to Finance Committee by end of November for the following year, to include all expenses related to music.

    12. Purchase music and music supplies within approved budget, and submit requests for payment in a timely manner.

    13. Participate in workshops and training which support our commitment to blended music (funding available upon request and approval).

    The successful candidate must complete relevant Police Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening prior to employment, and comply with the Diocese of Rupert’s Land Respectful Workplace Policy, Child Protection Policy, and Sexual Misconduct Policy.


    "Music is praise, music is proclamation of the Word, and music is prayer..." (Raquel Gutiérrez-Achón)

    Music – as praise, proclamation, and prayer - is an essential part of, and critical to, the atmosphere of worship, and:

    · Reinforces a Scriptural focus;

    · Connects us to God in meaningful and various ways; and

    · Becomes an expression of God’s steadfast love.

    With this in mind, the Anglican Parish of St. Peter is committed to developing its music ministry guided by the following principles:

    · Music and the presentation of music will work to develop congregational singing and participation.

    · Music will enhance the sense of the holy in worship.

    · Music will reflect the themes of the lectionary, the seasons of the year, and specific celebrations within those seasons.

    · Music will support the mission of the church by bringing the outside concerns of the world into worship.

    · Music resources will include a variety of instruments and styles to facilitate a blended, musical experience as appropriate.


    Interested candidates should submit a resume (including a list of credentials, and contact details for three references), and a cover letter outlining how their interests and relevant experience align with this position.

    Please submit applications with “Application: Director of Music Ministry” in the subject line by 5 PM CST on April 29th, 2024 by email to the Incumbent, The Rev. R. Susan Smandych ( cc., Deputy Incumbent’s Warden, Laurie Bellay ( Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged. Short-listed candidates will be notified by May 3rd and invited to an interview and audition, which will be conducted between May 6th and 17th.

  • 19 March 2024 11:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Director of Music – Position Description

    St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Sarnia, Ontario, is actively seeking a talented organist for the role of Director of Music. The Director of Music will work closely with the minister and choir to offer music that will enrich and enliven the worshipping life of the congregation.

    The successful candidate will:

    •           Be able to sight read music and play traditional-style Christian worship music on a pipe organ to accompany congregational singing
    •           Demonstrate or be willing to acquire skills in directing and guiding a choir of volunteer singers, as well as working with other musicians or groups as required
    •           Be comfortable performing for a televised worship service
    •           Have strong leadership and interpersonal skills, and the willingness to work with singers and musicians of all ages

    This position is available on a part-time permanent basis as an employee of the church or as a self-employed contractor, at the incumbent’s discretion. Salary will be commensurate with experience and education following RCCO guidelines within the range of $12,500 to $17,500. A typical working week of 8-10 hours will include Sunday morning worship and choir practice during the week, preparation time for same, and meeting with the minister to coordinate weekly and seasonal worship and music. Accompaniment for additional worship services (i.e., Christmas Eve and Good Friday) is also expected. The incumbent would also have the opportunity to accompany weddings and funerals held at the church, and to set their own fee for those services. We offer four weeks’ paid vacation and one week paid leave for study or professional development annually, as well as teaching studio privileges. Our instruments are a four-manual pipe organ with an antiphonal division and en chamade trumpet, and a Model A Steinway grand piano.      

    Please send a resume with covering letter to St. Andrew’s by email ( or at the address below. Additional application materials (e.g., audio or video of recorded performances or church services) would be welcomed, but are not required. For more information, please call 519-332-2662. Learn more about our church on our Facebook page ( or YouTube channel ( Our mailing address is 261 Christina St. N., Sarnia, ON, N7T 5V4; please mark correspondence to the attention of the “Director of Music Search Committee.”

    Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and received until April 30, 2024 or the position is filled. 

  • 15 March 2024 1:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    This amazing instrument needs an Organist and Music Director to play at regular Sunday and special services, and to rehearse our choir once a week and before services.

    The organ is a two-manual baroque-style (with Swell) tracker-action instrument by Orgues Létourneau (opus 28, 1991) of Ste. Hycinthe, Quebec, and as well we have a Yamaha digital grand piano (CLP-695GP) available in the Sanctuary. We offer the successful applicant the opportunity of giving private organ and piano lessons at the church.

    St. George & St. Andrew's is an Affirming Congregation. We have a strong music programme, with choral anthems as a regular part of every service; and many other musical events take place in our sanctuary due to its excellent acoustics.

    Annapolis Royal is a small but very active town with its own theatre, arts centre, and notable National Historic Sites. Salary will be based on RCCO scale, experience and qualifications. This position is for 6 hours per week, starting as soon as practicable. Resumé with references should be submitted to Andrea Boulding (

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The Royal Canadian College of Organists

20 St Joseph St

Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9

Phone: 416.929.6400
Email: info[at]

The Royal Canadian College of Organists

20 St Joseph St

Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9

Téléphone : 416.929.6400
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